Saturday, 14 November 2009

Sleep is a many splendoured thing...

After over a month of horrendous sleepless nights, J has had 2 good nights in a row. It started with a cough just after his first birthday, then he had his 12 month jabs, then an ear infection with awful temperatures, then another cold, then the vomiting bug.... 2 weeks on from that and he still needs to be cuddled to sleep at night and sat with for over 2 hours in the night when he wakes up. I tell myself over and over again that this is just a phase.... and hopefully, that belief is soon to pay off.

I noticed that he has had 3 or 4 good nights' sleep over the last couple of weeks. Partly this is just due to him getting a lot better. However, on at least 2 of those occasions, he had a short sleep in the car in the afternoon. All the signs previously had been pointing to him only needing 1 naps per day - but yesterday and the day before we tried giving him a short nap around 4 pm - and lo and behold, it worked! We will try again today, although he got up late this morning so no idea whether or not it will work.

On another note, my skin is getting thicker. In theory, at least. My first article rejection was very hard to take - in fact I very adultly responded by bursting into tears. The subsequent ones (and there have been quite a few!) seem to have been much easier to take. People aren't keeping me waiting as long, and their responses are generally pleasant, polite and positive. Being a sucker for encouragement, when they say it's an interesting idea, I am choosing to take them at face value. Otherwise what little confidence I have would be flowing rapidly away. I would like to get something published though - I am starting to get disheartened. OK, more than starting to...

The fiction side isn't going anywhere fast either. I was about ready to send off Snapdragons but now C's doing another picture, so need to wait for that and it could take a while. Oh well, I do need to learn patience. I don't know if I will ever get around to writing 13 Lies or SweetDreams - they're definitely in there, ticking away in the background, but I never seem to have the motivation to get on and actually write them. 13 Lies is taking shape, but I've hardly written any of it... still, little by little we slowly creep, and in creeping we too are moving forward.

Nuff said - getting too long. Need to write more articles!

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